Oreo Pop // Valentine's Treats

9:42 AM

If you are a oreo freak, you will definitely enjoy this glam up version of oreo cookie!
This is a fun recipe which allows you to customize your cookie design and it looks really cute and festive for Valentine's.

Preparation Time: 25 minutes

Ingredients (serves 2-3 person)

10 pieces of oreo cookie
1 bar of chocolate/ chocolate buttons (about 100g)
Sprinkles of your choice
Popsicle Sticks

1. Melt the chocolate over the hot water. (Click in this post to find out how)
2. Open up the oreo cookies and spread a little melted chocolate over both sides of the cookies.
3.Dip the popsicle sticks into the melted chocolate and pressed it down on the icing.
4. Sandwich the oreo cookie and put it in the fridge for 5 minutes for the chocolate to set.
5. Once the chocolate is set and harden, coat the chocolate around the cookie and put on any decorations that you want.
6.Put the oreo pop on a flat surface and pop in the fridge for 10 minutes.
7. Serve it like so or lay them in a mug as a gift.

1. It is very important to spread chocolate on both sides of the cookies. It will secure the oreo cookies nicely and make it a little more durable.
2. Make sure to press down the Popsicle stick into the icing layer so it will look nice and even.
3. Do make sure that the chocolate is set before coating the outer layer with melted chocolate.
4. You can check if the chocolate is harden by slightly shaking the Popsicle stick.If the cookie is sturdy enough and not wobbly, it is ready.
5. Of course, you can use any chocolate of your choice.
6. For gifting idea, I just use a mug that was a free gift and pile them with shredded paper. The paper should hold the popsicle stick and set them in place.
7. It will be great if you have the habit in keeping popsicle stick! (less cost) or you can buy it at a local craft store or bookshop.

Total Costs: RM 10.00

Oreo cookie RM3.10
Chocolate RM4.90
Sprinkles  RM2.00
Popsicles Sticks FOC

Hope it turns out well for you!


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