How did BFF started?

8:11 AM

Our friendship grew at a time when we least expected. After spending a year and a half in Pre-U, there was adequate time for us to really bond well and realize that we have so much in common in so many things!
The idea of this blog sparked in the middle of a conversation where we realized we were constantly discussing on fun ideas and exploring places. Sharing our two cents with our friends and family are one of our favourite past time. Hence, we thought of sharing some of our experiences and thoughts on a social platform with hopes of inspiring you to try out new things!

Choosing the name -B.F.F is an acronym for best friend forever and also the beauty & food fetish that’s rooted inside of us ;) Both of us are very enthusiastic when it comes to things we both love-Beauty and Food.
As starters, we will do our best to feed this blog with interesting posts where Carmen will share with us beauty tips and MJ will be telling us about her glutton adventures.
In between, we will be sharing whatever that sparks our interest!

Stay tuned!

MJ + Carmen

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