SpongeBob Macaroni // Kraft Mac & Cheese

12:01 AM


Getting this cute SpongeBob macaroni was when I thought that all those sibling's bully are worth it;  being the youngest in the family rocks!

Maybe I'm a little "over age" for this but nevertheless I had fun cooking them (not much on the eating though)

Kraft Mac & Cheese is available in Cold Storage and Jaya Grocer and I think you can get this SpongeBob version as well. I'm not really sure about the price but it would be a tad pricey than the normal ones. (not sure about the price cause it was a gift!)

This is how it looks like. It suppose to have double the calcium source of a regular serving Mac & Cheese. That makes it a more valid reason to try out this Mac& Cheese.

Aren't you excited already?

What's in the box?

Aren't the Macaroni  adorbs?

Just a sachet of cheese powder and macaroni.

Nothing too complicated. You don't have to be a chef to cook this.

While the macaroni is boiling to cook, you get to prepare this cheesy special mix from the cheese powder sachet, 1/2 tbsp of butter and 3 tbsp of milk.
If you are a ultimate fans of " Super Ring" snacks, is not hard for you to imagine how this cheesy powder taste like-of artificial cheese flavour and overpowering sweet smell.

Once the macaroni is done ( about 10-12 mins), mix them up with the cheesy mix and voila!

The macaroni tasted a little too gooey for my liking and lack of the cheesy taste that I was looking for.

SpongeBob Mac & Cheese is definitely insta-worthy, but not too much on the taste for me.

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