Cake Pops // Valentine's Treats

8:42 PM

I'm pretty sure that everyone had heard of these cute little babies!
Today, I'm gonna show you how to make these cake pops in a cheating quicker way.

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Ingredients (makes 4- 6 cake pops)

2 twiggies (flavour of your choice)

1 bar of chocolate (about 100 g)
1 tbsp of Jam or Peanut Butter
Edible sprinkles
Lollipop sticks
Food colouring (optional)


1. Mashed up the twiggies, adding in the jam or peanut butter a little at a time until it can be form into a dough as shown in the picture.
2. Split the dough into even pieces and roll them into a ball shape.
3. Using the melted chocolate, coat the lollipop stick with a little chocolate and poke it in the center of the cake pops. (Do not skip this step!)
4.Put the cake pops in the fridge for 15 minutes to let the chocolate set.
5. After sitting in the fridge for 15 minutes, dip the cake pops into the melted chocolate,making sure that the cake pops is even coated with chocolate. Double coat if necessary.
6. Decorate the cake pops as desire and let it set while placing the lollipop stick on a colander or anything that can hold the cake pops. Allowing the cake pops to set such way will give the cake pops a smooth finish.
7. After the cake pops are set, you can packed them in individual clear plastic bags or pop them in a mug.

1. The cream in twiggies is not enough for the cake to form a dough, adding in a sticky agent such as jam does the tricks. You can substitute it with others ingredients if you like.
2. You can form your dough into any shape you want such as hello kitty or totoro. 
3. Step 3 is very important as it holds your cake pop in place.
4. Cold cake pops will make the chocolate coating easier as it sets faster.
5. While coating the cake pops with chocolate, make sure that the chocolate is warm enough.It will make the whole process easier.

Total Cost: RM 9.00

Twiggies    RM1.60
Chocolate  RM4.90
Jam           RM1.00
Sprinkles   RM1.50
Lollipop sticks FOC

I hope you give this recipe a try as it is VERY easy and super fun to make.
Till then!


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