Brow Shaping 101

3:35 AM

People have always been asking "how do you trim and shape your brows? how come I can never seem to trim it nicely? how do I know where to begin? how do I find my arch??" etc etc.
Hence, I've decided to share with you how to trim and shape your own natural eyebrows!

-Razor, Spoolie Brush(Mascara wand), cuticle scissors.

I will be showing you how to trim with a razor because not everyone can stand the pain of plucking their eyebrows (don't worry, I feel your pain!)

ALWAYS know where your eyebrows begin, where is the arch and where it ends.
1. Take an eyebrow pencil and place it on the side of your nose to know where your brows should begin.
2. Hold the pencil from the center of your nose across the center of your iris to get a natural arch length for your face.
3. From your nose to the outer corner of your eye, that's where your brows end.
* If you feel that you are unsure once you start shaping, you can always dot on the points when measuring.

1. Take your razor to trim the top of your brows. Lightly place the razor parallel to your brows and gently push it downwards to shape from beginning to the arch area.
2. Slant the razor to trim the back of your brows, use the arch and end point to determine how much your should trim. 
3.Trim the excess hair below your brows to make your brows look neat & tidy. Trimming the bottom of you brows can also make your brows thinner so try not to over-trim! 
4. Take the spoolie brush and comb your brows upwards, cut the hairs that too long. Make sure your scissors is parallel to your eyebrow shape, you don't want to have uneven eyebrows!!
* For those who are new to shaping with a razor, you can always try to trim the hairs on the back of your hand to know how much pressure you should place when trimming your brows!
 It sure takes away the fear of cutting yourself, trust me :)

Follow these simple steps to achieve a natural eyebrow shape !
#Try to outgrow your brows if you want to re-shape them nicely.
#Do not trim too much unless you like overly thin brows which i don't recommend.

You might not get a perfectly balance brow on your first few tries but it's ok! Practice makes perfect :)

xx Carmen

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